Children’s Ministry at Riverside
(baby-5th grade)
Riverside is home to a whole lot of kids! This means a whole lot of parents need a break! On Sunday mornings, we provide activities and classes for kids up through fifth grade.
1st Service
The Pink Room: 6mo to 2 yrs old
2nd Service
The Pink Room: 6mo to 23 mo
The Yellow Room: 2-3 yrs old
The Orange Room: PreK (4yrs) to K
The Blue Room: 1st to 2nd Grade
The Purple Room: 3rd to 5th Grade
Our Volunteers
All of our volunteers have a background check, go through training with Ministry Safe, and are never in a one-on-one situation with a child.
Have questions or want to serve in Children’s Ministry?
Contact our Children's Ministry Director: Maggie Fischer at maggie@riversidestl.org