Serving at Riverside
If you are new to Riverside, please don't feel any pressure or rushed to serve.
It takes time to get to know us as well as for us to get to know you. In fact, we ask that you attend, just be at Riverside, for 6 to 12 months before we start that conversation of helping out in the Riverside community.
When you’re ready…
There are many ways to serve at Riverside. We hope that there is a place that you're both excited to serve and that uses your gifts. We ask that during that time of service we would be able to have gracious and open dialogue. As a mostly volunteer team, we understand there are limits to your time. We ask that everyone be open, if for some reason, there would be a different place to serve in regards to your gifts. Lastly, it is a temptation for the pastors, staff, and volunteers to make a ministry about them. Our hope is that whatever we may be doing, we would be pointing people to Jesus.
Some areas you could serve: Sunday morning hospitality, Sunday greeters, Kids Church teachers, Kids Church helpers, Kids Church check in, A/V or sound, Sunday morning music team, meals ministry, visiting ministry, etc...
More questions: info@riversidestl.org
Reach Out Locally
Through its deacons’ ministry, Riverside offers many opportunities to show the mercy of Jesus to widows and children without safe homes, to those who hunger and thirst, who have no home or clothing, the sick, the refugee, the immigrant, the prisoner and the troubled.
Reach Out Globally
Riverside seeks to support Micah Project in Honduras. We are actively involved in supporting pastors and churches in New Zealand including Grace Theological College.
Learn to Offer Your Life
It takes time to know ourselves enough to have a sense of what spiritual gifts we have to offer out of love to others. No worries, sign-up for a Saturday morning workshop to learn how to identify and offer the gifts God has given you.
Learn to Share Your Faith
It isn't easy to share our faith with others much less love them well; particularly if they differ from us in belief, race, class, age, or health. But we can learn with grace and time and patience. Sign-up for a Saturday morning workshop to learn how to share your faith.