Visiting Riverside
It can take courage to visit a church for the first time.
Thanks for thinking about it.
What to Expect
Dress: Casual (the pastor wears jeans)
Day and Time: Sundays, 1st Service: 8:30a -10:00a; 2nd Service: 10:30a-12:00p
Where? 9440 Big Bend Road, Webster Groves, Missouri
Who Attends? Younger and older, single and married, families with kids biologically, adopted or fostered; those who haven't been to church in a long time but are taking a risk, other-than-Christians who find an authentic place to ask about Christianity and long-time followers of Jesus. Democrats and Republicans; Neighbors with White, Black, and Brown skin, opposite-sex and same-sex attracted neighbors who are both wrestling with what Jesus teaches about sexuality, celibacy, and marriage.
What do we do? We worship God if we believe in Him, we sit back and observe if we don't, we hear stories from ordinary people, we sing, we take a quiet moment, we talk with each other, we hear a message about Jesus from the Bible that we believe is ancient and true and that takes into account our real questions and applies to our relevant world and experience.
Parking - We can sometimes run out of parking in our parking lot on a Sunday morning. Check out the map for some other options for parking around the church.