Riverside Oasis

We are so excited to be with our students and we get to learn about Jesus together. Our goal is to provide a safe space where the kids can come and still be kids, have fun, be in relationship with one another and hear about Jesus.

Oasis (school year schedule)

  • Middle School Oasis

    Time: 6:15pm to 7:30pm

    +We will gather together in the Fellowship Hall

    +We will have food, snacks, games, Jesus time and small group

    + Fourth Wednesday, resting week

  • High School Oasis

    Time: 7:45pm to 9:00pm

    + We will get together in the Fellowship Hall

    +We will have food, snacks, games, Jesus time and small group

    + Fourth Wednesday, resting week

Sunday Breakfast Club

Our Middle and High School students are invited to breakfast snacks and teaching from Jesus during the sermon once a month.

+ Middle School: 2nd Sunday + High School: 4th Sunday

  • Our Oasis Leaders & Volunteers