There are many ways to take a small relational step (even for introverts).
Take a small step on Sunday Morning
A Quiet Minute
Sometimes you need Sunday morning to help you breathe, quiet your heart, grieve, or just be still for a moment.
The Talkative Ten
Sometimes you need Sunday morning to help you feel the warmth and joy of belonging to a community.
Newcomer Lunch
Sometimes it’s just nice to sit down, eat, drink, laugh, cry, and risk. Sometime’s it’s nice to just be.
Sign up for a Riverside Class
Riverside Basics
Join Pastor Joe in this 7-week class and grow acquainted with the six small steps of grace that Jesus invites us to walk with Him. As you do, you will learn not only about your life of faith but also about the vision and relational culture of Riverside Church. This is a great way to get to know others at Riverside and is one of two classes required to become a member of Riverside Church. For more info email: info@riversidestl.org.
Riverside Beliefs
Join Pastor Joe in a 4-week class as we discuss some of the beliefs (doctrines) of Riverside Church that we find in the Bible and also what it means that Riverside is a presbyterian church. This is a way to get to know others at Riverside and one of two classes required to become a member of Riverside Church. For more info email: info@riversidestl.org.
Take a Step Toward a Riverside Ministry
Riverside is home to a whole lot of kids! We are excited to provide a space for our kids to learn about Jesus and experience his grace. On Sunday mornings, we provide activities and classes for newborns–5th grade. During our 1st Service we have the PINK ROOM (6 months-2years) during the entire service. During our 2nd Service we we have the PINK ROOM (6 months-23 months) during the entire service. We have the YELLOW ROOM (2-3yrs old) during the entire service. We have the ORANGE ROOM (PreK-K) which is open after the Talkative Ten. We have the BLUE ROOM (1st-2nd Grade) which is open after the Talkative Ten. We have the PURPLE ROOM (3rd-5th Grade) which is open after the Talkative Ten.
Children's Ministry Director: Maggie Fischer maggie@riversidestl.org
Riverside offers Sunday morning small groups, mid-week gatherings, fun activities, camps, and service opportunities to students in junior high and senior high. These ministries are known around Riverside as Oasis.
Youth Director: Katy Martin, katykellymartin@gmail.com
Men’s Bible Study Times
Wed morning, 6:00am, at Riverside and Zoom
Thursday Evening, 7:00pm, at the Griggs
Along with Bible studies, we offer times for men to get together and hang out and retreat and learn to Come and Rest with Jesus.
Email joe@riversidestl.org for more information
Women’s Bible Study Meeting Times
Thursday Morning, 9:15 am, at Riverside
Friday Morning, 7 am, via Zoom
Along with our Bible studies, we have different opportunities for our women. We will have times to just hang out and moments to retreat: to learn to Come and Rest with Jesus.
Email info@riverside.org for more information
Join a House Group
House Groups form the Heartbeat of the Riverside Community. Our House Groups are not Bible studies but our purpose of gathering together is to practice love for neighbor by opening our homes, offering the resources of friendship and by learning how to love those with whom we differ. We first offer House Group Connect which allows three to four weeks to check out the times, location, and fit. The House Group itself then begins a two-year commitment of living room and community life , learning the practices of friendship and hospitality, and offering the welcome of Jesus to one another's real-life situations.

Newer to Riverside?
If you are newer to Riverside, check out Riverside Beginnings. It is a three-week casual gathering to get to know one another and hear more about the culture, vision and vibe of Riverside.